
For the past three years, I haven't had any trouble deciding what was my favorite music single of the past 360-odd days (listed on the right-hand side of this page, although the musical link for the first song is wrong): "Hey Ya!" is a pop masterpiece, "Fell in Love with a Girl" is a perfect rock haiku, and "Frontier Psychiatrist" is undoubtedly the greatest song ever built entirely off samples.

This year, though...I don't know. Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out" has a wonderful melodic chorus and a lovely wack opening couple dozen bars (in that it's a completely different tempo than the rest of the song), but it's kind of repetitive. Also, the bridge is kinda eh. And other than "Take Me Out," I can't think of any pop song from this year that I've fallen in love with. (I couldn't even manage my annual guilty pleasure with Eminem's latest single, as I wasn't fond of either of his songs to hit this year's airwaves.)

So. Help. Point me to singles I may have missed that are awesome.

This is an important article for all who are concerned about race politics and the future of America.

Ha ha. No, somewhat more seriously, at a legitimate publication, George Will (o'er here) makes an interesting argument about mathematics and Roe v. Wade. The money paragraph: "How is that demarcation [of trimesters] grounded in the text, structure or previous construings of the Constitution? Ask yourself: What would constitutional law pertaining to abortion be if the number of months in the gestation of an infant were a prime number -- say, seven or 11? That the court spun different degrees of abortion rights from the fact that nine is divisible by three reveals that whatever the court was doing was not constitutional reasoning."

Um. So a little birdie told me that Sufjan Stevens' Seven Swans made the year-end top ten albums list in (of all places) GQ. Not to mention the top ten list of one of the Rolling Stone critics (fourth down). I am not sure what I think of this.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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