Um, 'kay.

As I've mentioned before, there have been three houses for sale in our subdivision in the six months since we moved into our house, and each of them were/are (a) smaller or the same size as our house and (b) selling for a Corvette more than what we paid. (Oh, and regarding speculation of gold trim and diamond faucets: We visited an open house for the third one last week, and the interiors of our house and theirs were almost the same, quality-wise. The only differences are that they have a brick front and we have [for now] an ugly back yard.)

Anyway, there is now a fourth house for sale in our neighborhood. It is about 250 square feet smaller than our house. It has no brick front, and the only exterior embellishment I can see is that it does have an aggregate driveway.

It is for sale for a Corvette more than we paid for our house. Plus a midlevel Honda Element. Plus -- since there's $4000 in rebates on Corvettes right now -- a Segway. This ought to make me feel good, and it does, but it also makes me feel, I don't know, slightly weird. I'm not completely sure why.


oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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