Request of the day.

I am trying to think of a song that could be played on handbells in a call-and-response fashion a la "Dueling Banjos" that is not, in fact, "Dueling Banjos." Please help. (Short explanation: Back in January, my bell choir director asked me to write an arrangement of "Dueling Banjos" that could be played by two handbell choirs for a set of concerts we have this summer with the Virginia Handbell Consort. The next week, after I had done absolutely no work on the project [since it was more than four hours before the project was due], she comes back to me and says, forget it, never mind, famous handbell composer Hart Morris did an arrangement of the song for famous handbell group The Raleigh Ringers, and while this arrangement hasn't been published, she shouldn't have a problem getting her hands on it. Yesterday, she mentioned at rehearsal that, um, yes, she did have a problem getting her hands on it. Since I am always looking for opportunities to force myself to write music, I woke up this morning thinking to myself, "Self, I should tell Dottie that I am still willing to write the arrangement if she would like." And then myself said to me, "Me, either (a) Hart Morris is going to be publishing his arrangement in the near future or (b) Hart Morris was unable to get his arrangement published, neither of which bodes well for you getting your arrangement in print and making the big bucks and what not." And then I had this request-of-the-day idea. Although if you have the responses to my request that are doubleplusungood, I may go back to "Dueling Banjos." Assuming she'd want it at this late of date. Which she may not. Or she may.)

(No, the explanation was not very short at all. I am a liar.)

(Also, you people who do not play handbells must be very bored of my weblog. I am sorry.)

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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