Ice cold Christian fakes turn to Frosted Flakes.

After an involved discussion yesterday between Kim and I regarding my churchgoing -- a conversation that lasted longer than many Hollywood movies (and was far more interesting) -- it has been decided that I (and thus we) am (and thus are) going to try out a new non-Catholic church every two weeks throughout the summer. Here is the tentative schedule, which you do not care about, but I am much more likely to go through with something when it has been displayed for the world (or one-600,000,000th of it) to see:

May 2nd: River Road United Methodist Church

May 16th: Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church

May 23rd (since we'll probably be somewhere fun for Mem. Day): Discovery United Methodist Church

June 13th: Gayton Road Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

June 27th: St. Andrew's United Methodist Church

July 11th: Christ Community Church (Evangelical Free)

July 25th: Welborne United Methodist Church

Before you ask, no, I don't have a particular yen to go to a United Methodist Church -- the denomination is more liberal than is my preference -- but they're the most ubiquitous Richmond-area denomination after Southern Baptists1, so at least one of those four has to be close to 10 on the UM number line2. Right?

Of course, this schedule will be scrapped if I find a church I love, and it will be revised if I find one I'd like to attend a few more times.

1 e.g.: All of those four churches are closer to our house than the ELCA church I listed.3

2 See, because if the number line goes from 0 to 10, 0 is on the left hand side and 10 is...oh, forget it.

3 Also, the next-door neighbor to us who isn't selling his house is the pastor at one of those four United Methodist churches. I forget which one, however, and I cannot decide if him being my neighbor would make me more likely or less likely to attend his church, assuming I can figure out again which one it is.

oh so lovingly written byMatthew |  these are comments, absent.

short & sour.
oh dear.
messages antérieurs.
music del yo.
"i live to frolf."
people i know, then.
a nother list.

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