Karleen Weitzel

English 105

April 4, 2001

Journal Entry 20

Birkerts’ Essay


            I would say that Birkerts’ assessment of the written word is fairly accurate.  There is something special about a book with words on a physical sheet of paper, much like there is something special about a real letter that someone has taken the time to write out instead of type up and click “send.”  I believe that there is most definitely a fundamental difference between books and a computer screen.  I agree that books seem more personal in some way.  They feel more exclusive because you had to actually go out, find the book, and purchase it or check it out from the library.  I find it hard to imagine that books will eventually be completely eliminated in place of technology and “online books.”  We still see new bookstores springing up all over the country and millions of books are published and purchased each year.  Books are more convenient.  You can take them just about anywhere for about $5, where if you want to take a computerized book wherever you’re going, you have to spend hundreds of dollars on a Palm Pilot.  It may happen sometime in the future that books are eliminated, but I highly doubt that it will happen in my lifetime and know that it won’t happen in my house.